Meeting in Mytilene with Stakeholders

Meeting in Mytilene with Stakeholders

The research team of the Clinic of Social and Family Medicine, of Medical School, University of Crete consisted of Professor of Christos Lionis (Professor of General Practice and Primary Health Care), Kyriakos Maltezis (General Practitioner) and Enkeleint Aggelos Mechili (PhD in Health Policy) reached the island of Mytilene on March 28th. The purpose of their[…]

International Organization for Migration Meeting

International Organization for Migration Meeting

International Organization for Migration, Migration Health Division, Regional Office in Brussels in collaboration with Hellenic Ministry of Health co-organized in Athens, on March 8th 2016 a meeting entitled “Regional Consultation (RC), Health throughout the reception process Inter-sectorial dialogue”. The meeting was co-organized by the Secretariat General for Public Health of the Hellenic Ministry of Health.[…]

PLA Training

PLA Training

Participatory Learning and Action (PLA) training was held on February 6-7 in Ljubljana. The overall aim of the meeting was members from the 6 countries (Greece, Italy, Hungary, Croatia, Austria and Slovenia) that will be the implementation part of the project to be trained in the PLA method. Initially the participants presented themselves and their[…]

Newsletter Vol. 1

Newsletter Vol. 1

Useful information A project leaflet comprising a short description of the EUR- HUMAN project, its objectives, activities and partners is produced. The leaflet is to be used for promotion of the project eg. at conferences and meetings, and by primary care professionals when implementing the feasibility studies. Leaflet English here Greek  here Dutch (ARQ) here Dutch (EFPC)[…]

Kick off meeting

Kick off meeting

Kick off meeting We have the pleasure to inform you that we have received a grant award for an important European project concerning a matter important for all of us. Following the critical evaluation for proposals submitted from across Europe as part of the Call for Proposals under the Third Health Programme of the EU,[…]