Kick off meeting

Kick off meeting

Kick off meeting

We have the pleasure to inform you that we have received a grant award for an important European project concerning a matter important for all of us. Following the critical evaluation for proposals submitted from across Europe as part of the Call for Proposals under the Third Health Programme of the EU, funding was secured through the approval of the proposal submitted by our department (School of Medicine) for the creation of an advisory supporting network, aiming to develop and implement a model of care provision for refugees and immigrants, EUR-HUMAN- EUropean Refugees – Human Movement and Advisory Network», under the coordination of the Clinic of Social and Family Medicine of the University of Crete. The starting date for the project was January 1 2016, whereas the project work is expected to last twelve months.

Given the importance of the programme and the need to establish complementary actions across the EU, a kick-off meeting (KOM) took place with representatives from two more projects with a common axis, and with the participation of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) (January 19-20, 2016 – Brussels). The meeting was concluded successfully. The present participants of the kick off were:

Chair: Professor Christos Lionis MD, PhD, FRCGP(Hon), (Clinic of Social and Family Medicine (CSFM), School of Medicine, University of Crete, Greece),

Ms Agapi Angelaki, MPH, (Clinic of Social and Family Medicine, School of Medicine (CSFM), University of Crete, Greece),

Mr Myron Galenianos, Financial Advisor,Clinic of Social and Family Medicine, School of Medicine (CSFM), University of Crete, Greece),

Dr Maria van den Muijsenbergh (Radboud University Medical Centre, Nijmegen (RUMC), Netherlands), 

Ms Tessavan Loenen (Radboud University Medical Centre, Nijmegen (RUMC), Netherlands), 

Professor Christopher Dowrick MD, FRCGP (University Of Liverpool, United Kingdom),

Professor Dean Ajdukovic (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Croatia),

Dr Helena Bakic (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Croatia),

Dr Michel Dückers, PhD (Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research – NIVEL, Netherlands),

Dr Derek de Beurs, PhD (Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research – NIVEL, Netherlands),

Associate Professor Kathryn Hoffmann, MD, MPH (Centre for Public Health, Department of Family Medicine, Medical University of Vienna, Austria),

Professor Dr Danica Rotar Pavlič, MD, PhD (University of Lubliana, Slovenia),

Ms Sanne Snoeijs (Executive Board of the European Forum for Primary Care (EFPC)),

Professor Pim de Graaf, (Executive Board of the European Forum for Primary Care (EFPC)),

Dr Annelieke Drogendijk, PhD (Director of IMPACT Partner in Arq Psychotrauma Expert Group),

Mr. Corné Versluis, (Arq Psychotrauma Expert Group)

Professor Imre Rurik, MD, PhD, DSc and MSc, Department of Family and Occupational Medicine, University of Debrecen, Hungary)

Mrs Paola D’Acapito, Project Officer (CHAFEA)

Ms Irma Halilovic, (CHAFEA)

During the meeting were discussed all the critical dates, the hot and core issues of the project, the next meetings (by Skype and in person) and the expert meeting that will be held in Athens in June. Financial management issues of the EUR-HUMAN project were discussed too. The entire seven Work Packages (WP) leaders presented their objectives, the methodology and the expected outcomes. During the meeting the PLA training date and place were agreed. Discussion about the Steering Committee (SC) and Advisory Board (AdBoard) took place. There was also discussion about the stakeholders, (local and regional) that will participate and about the preparation of a timeline in order to avoid overlapping with the other founded programmes, was done.

The Project Officer made a quick background of this initiative and gave information about the decision to support EU members with refuges / immigrants issue and the purpose and objectives of all projects that are addressing this issue. Finally, she gave some information about Chafea and responsibilities of project coordinator and members.

Kick off meeting

As a conclusion the participant members agreed that:

  • UoC will prepare invitation letters to the Advisory Committee members and define all the dates of all teleconference meetings throughout the project.
  • RUMC will set of the one-day PLA training date
  • NIVEL actions should be focused on defining the research strategy
  • RUMC should provide a strategic plan for the intervention
  • FFZG will prepare a detailed protocol on the approaches and methodology regarding the assessment of mental health should be prepared
  • MUW main task is to provide an explicit outline of the mapping process with feedback from all implementation sites and
  • EFPC actions will focus in outlining the methodology framework for monitoring and evaluation

Kick off meeting

Kick off meeting

Kick off meeting