Module 6 – Sexual- and Reproductive Health

  1. Introduction
  2. Background information
  3. Sexual and reproductive health of women refugees and asylum seekers under particularly difficult living conditions
    1. First assessment
    2. Red flags
    3. Legal aspects
  4. Peri- und postnatal phase
    1. Risks during peri- and postnatal phase
  5. Mother and child bond – possible problems caused by trauma, flight and exhaustion
    1. First assessment
    2. Red flags
    3. Supporting measures
  6. Special issue FGM
    1. Present situation:
    2. Practice of FGM
    3. Institutions/facilities for support in context of FGM
  7. Menstruation
    1. Red Flags
  8. Contraception
    1. Red flags
    2. Please consider and explain well:
  9. Abortion
    1. Red flags
  10. Sexually transmitted diseases (STD´s)
    1. Figures and facts about STIs/STDs
  11. Sexual and gender based violence
    1. Legal issues
    2. Definition of sexual violence
    3. Health risks of gender-based and sexual violence
    4. First assessment
    5. School-based sexual education
  12. Gender and human rights
  13. Further information
  14. References


Institut für Frauen- und Männergesundheit/ Standort FEM Süd, Kaiser Franz Josef-Spital, SMZ Süd, Kundratstraße 3, 1100 Wien,

Mag. Daniela Dorneles de Andrade, clinical psychologist (EUR-HUMAN)


Acknowledgements: Some parts of this module are taken from the deliverable 4.2 of the project EUR-HUMAN: Set of guidelines, guidance, training and health promotion materials for optimal primary care for newly arrived migrants including refugees, developed under the lead of Maria van den Muijsenbergh (RUMC) and Tessa van Loenen (RUMC).


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