EGPRN Conference 2016

EGPRN Conference 2016 – 12-16 October, Leipzig, Germany

The European General Practice Research Network (EGPRN) conference was held in Leipzig, Germany, on 12-16 October 2016. On behalf of the EUR-HUMAN Consortium Coordinator (Professor Christos Lionis) and the team of the University of Crete, Dr Elena Petelos and Dr Enkeleint-Aggelos Mechili participated at the meeting. The meeting was a unique opportunity to share capacity-building efforts with a research network and to gain insight through the input of colleagues across Europe. Our team members were delighted to see members of other partner institutions. Professors Kathryn Hoffman from Austria, and Rurik Imre from Hungary were also presented at the meeting. On behalf of the consortium, Dr Enkeleint-Aggelos Mechili presented the main aim, objectives, results and the overall progress of the EUR-HUMAN project. Following the presentation a very constructive discussion took place among the participants from different countries and Institutions. Our team plans to use this input in planning further dissemination efforts so to maximize relevance for members of the network, as well as for other researchers and practitioners facing similar challenges across Europe.


