Module 7 – 13 Further information

13 Further information

The further information is taken from deliverable 4.2 of the project EUR-HUMAN: Set of guidelines, guidance, training and health promotion materials for primary care for newly arrived migrants including refugees, developed under the lead of Maria van den Muijsenbergh (RUMC) and Tessa van Loenen (RUMC).

The Connect project [] developed practical tools which can be used by different actors across EU member states. They address specific aspects of how actors address the situation of unaccompanied children. The following tools are available:

  • Who’s responsible: a Tool to strengthen cooperation between actors involved in the protection system for unaccompanied Migrant Children
  • Local cooperation for unaccompanied children: a tool to assess and improve reception conditions
  • Standards to ensure that unaccompanied migrant children are able to fully participate: a tool to assist actors in legal and judicial proceedings
  • The right to be heard and participation of unaccompanied children.
  • Working with the unaccompanied child: a tool to support the collection of children’s views on protection and reception services

The Refugee Services Toolkit (RST) [] is a web-based tool designed to help service system providers understand the experience of refugee children and families, identify the needs associated with their mental health, and ensure that they are connected with the most appropriate available interventions. The mental health and general well-being of refugee children and families can be impacted by multiple factors including their experience of trauma; stressors such as resettlement, acculturation, and social isolation; and strengths they may have that could contribute to resilience. Providers can use community resources and supports to build resilience and reduce stress in refugee families.