When should you refer someone to an institution that offers professional help for PTSD?
- When the symptoms last at least one month
- When the symptoms affect daily life functioning
- In case of symptoms of intrusion, avoidance, negative changes in cognitions and mood and changes in arousal
- When all of the above are present
When addressing refugees it is important to:
- Ask them to tell their whole story
- Ask them what they need
- Not focus on the cultural differences
- Label their issues as symptoms or disorders
Which is a symptom of PTSD?
- Intrusive thoughts
- Irritable behaviour
- Negative ideas about the world
- All of the above
What does “PFA” stand for?
- Psychological First Aid
- Psychosocial First Aid
- Psychological Friendly Action
- None of the above
Which is one of the recommended treatments?
- Critical Incident Stress Debriefing
- Narrative Exposure Therapy
- Psychological Debriefing
- Trauma-focused Group Psychotherapy
Breathing exercises, praying, going to church or going for a walk are examples of?
- Reactions to trauma
- Psycho-education
- Coping strategies
- None of the above
What is important when young refugee children ask about distressing events?
- To not explain about the distressing event in order to protect them
- To offer all information available on the events
- To distract them when they ask questions about the events
- To answer their questions whilst avoiding scary details